Three Ways to Improve Home Printer Security

I know we talk a lot about keeping your office’s printers secure, but it is just as important for your home machines as well. Many of us still work remote at least some of the time, making it critical to ensure your system is as safe as possible. What measures should you be aware of […]

How to Conduct a Print Assessment

More often than not, companies are unaware of how they can optimize their print environment and cut costs. That’s where a print assessment can help your company identify what print behavior may need to change. A print assessment will clarify where and why you are spending money. An assessment will provide information on the following: cost of […]

Tips to keep your printer running smoothly

Failing to properly take care of your multifunction printers can lead to unnecessary downtime, which in turn leads to unwanted stress and headaches for everyone in your office. The following five (5) tips will keep your multifunction printers running smoothly. Give your machine breathing room. If the hot air from the machine has nowhere to go […]