What do you need in an MFP?

The printer has come a long way over the years. The arrival of the multi-function printer (MFP) has transformed how businesses operate. They allow users to print, scan, copy, fax and email documents at the same time. They decrease paper consumption while increasing productivity. There are so many options out there if you are in […]
Toshiba Resources

Did you just update to a new Toshiba printer? Toshiba makes some of the best multifunction printers on the market, but that doesn’t mean you know all the ins and outs of the new machine. While we would be happy to answer any questions you may have…sometimes it’s easier to watch a short video when […]
All about PaperCut

What is PaperCut? Paper Cut is a print management software that’s helping hundreds of millions of businesses around the globe to minimize waste while having a secure and easy printing experience. What does it do? It monitors and controls your print resources with easy to use administrative and user tools that can be securely accessed […]
How can MFPs help streamline your HR department?
Thanks to the multifunction printer (MFP), it has become easier than ever for a business to stay on the leading edge of the office tech wave. Not only do MFPs help to streamline offices, but they reduce waste and save time. Best of all, most can do this out of a small space in the […]